Saturday, May 26, 2012

Project Glass

We all know Google as a search engine but a lot of people don’t know that it is much more than that. You can have an email through Google, upload pictures to the internet through Google, and write documents and do everything you can do on Microsoft Office one Google! Google is an amazing tool you can use but Google is also a device. That’s right, Google also creates devices such as phones and soon, they will be making glasses!
Glasses you say? Yes glasses; but not any type of glasses but head mounted display. This project is still in development and currently it is known as Project Glass (2012, Google, p. n. d.).  These glasses will basically be a smartphone on your head! You will be able to get directions to any place, call people, and do anything you can do on Google with these! Employees known as Google X have been testing these glasses out for more than a month says Nick Bilton in his article Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses (2012, The New York Times Company, p. n. d.). In his article, he also says that they will not be tested in a facility but however in public! So in case you see someone wearing something that looks like it’s from Star Trek then do not worry; its just Project Glass.
In his article, he also says that a Mr. Parviz says that Project Glass could end up into Project Contact Lense because he has created a tiny contact lense that has embedded electronics and can display pixels to someone’s eye. In Martin LaMonica’s article First app for Google’s Project Glass: Sharing Photos, it is revealed that they have already created an application for the glasses that can take a photo and share it on Google + (2012, CBS Interactive, p. n. d.). I don’t know how excited you are but I am very excited for this new product!


  1. I have always figured Apple to be the company to branch out like this. However, Google was my next guess, and I'm quite estatic to find that these technological advancements that have been theorized in the past has been spearheaded by Google. Also after reading the hopes for contact lenses my only question is where does an adequate supply of energy stem from.

  2. This is very interesting technology and would help in many circumstances. It would be cool to see how these lenses could be used on a day to day basis. I am just wondering if this is used with eye movement and also how accurate is it?
