Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Music Travels

In today’s modern world, music travels fast and goes viral quick. Let’s take for example the music video ‘Friday’ by Rebecca Black. As much as it’s not considered ‘true’ music, it went viral throughout cyberspace within a couple of days. In total it had millions of views. This of course was due to several factors including social media. In regards to other more popular and favored songs, their claim to success includes the use of the Radio. But in hindsight, more often than not, people have to claw their way in finding the song titles played. No longer will people have to struggle because of Apps like Shazam which allows you to find song titles by the App simply listening in! (Dan Kricke, 4/15/2012, n.d.), Websites that include  Charts of the latest hits like Apple’s iTune’s top 100 also allows easier access to titles,  (Apple, 2012, n.d.) as well as Youtube pages like VEVO (Vevo, 2012, n.d.) & etc.


  1. Its true apps like Shazam are very helpful. There are just so many instances in which I have used it and Itunes that I couldn't even begin to count.

  2. This post is really good and liked how you used different recent example so everybody could understand what you mean.
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    - Reena

  4. This is so true. Social media really helps everything spread quickly.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is a very interesting post, I like how you used many different topics to keep the blog interesting but try not to stir into too many directions, don't throw in too many topics but besides that great job.

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